Saturday, July 9, 2011

July Boys

We have two boys with birthdays in July; one will be a teenager this year and the other hits double digits.  I do not know where those years went but I have realized that a mother’s aspirations for her children change over time.  Before they grace the world with their presence, I think most parents hope for greatness and possibly fame and fortune for their children.  Once they arrive I, along with many others I would guess, find that we want them to be happy and fulfilled in what they do and healthy in their approach to life.  These are loftier goals and the foundation has to be the love, direction, and consistency we give them as parents.  That is not a guaranteed plan for their success but it is the best I have come up with and we get quite a bit of practice with four boys!

In recognition of their unique personalities and with love for the two birthday boys, I want to share this poem that I wrote several years ago for them.  It was recently included in a project the oldest completed as a homework assignment about his life.  Parents were asked to write something for their children; it was a perfect opportunity to let the birthday boys read it.  The soon-to-be teenager seemed relieved that he would soon have a completed project to hand in since he was waiting for me but I also know him well enough to have observed his surprise and happiness that his Mum loves him so much.  Mr. Double-Digits is very confident that Mum loves him but basks in being reminded and had tears in his eyes when he read it and it earned me a big hug!  At the end of the day, that is really what it is all about – our children should know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are loved and cherished by those who were given the honor to guide them.  Happy Birthday Boys! 

How much do I love you?
With every fluttering kiss on your damp foreheads while you sleep at night
Every time you try to sneak up on me
Whenever we sing at the top of our voices in the car
Each time we snuggle on the couch and read to each other
When I hear belly laughs from the tub and the water sloshing over the side
With every flower and rock you have presented to me
When I hear the excitement in your voices that “Mummy’s here”
Even after you’ve made your own PB&J sandwiches

I’m so proud of my two little men
You have no idea how much I love you both
I didn’t understand it either until I became a parent
You flood my heart with a myriad of emotions
Overwhelmingly you are the best thing that has ever happened to me
You teach me to slow down and be with you
You forgive me without demanding an apology
Your desire is to shine in my eyes
And how you do!

Know that when I get it all wrong and I’m trying too hard
It’s because I too want to shine in your eyes
I want it all to be perfect for you
For you never to be harmed or damaged by life
For you to know that I will always be here to protect you, console you, cheer for you
And let you know when it’s time to brush yourselves off and face the world again
You can do and be anything you put your minds to.
Know this above all else,
I love you unconditionally, my beautiful boys.

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