Saturday, September 17, 2011

I Am

Have you ever seen the project that many children do at the beginning of the school year where they draw a picture of themselves and describe who they are and what they like beginning each sentence with “I am…”?  It helps the teachers and students learn about each other and perhaps it helps our children think about who they are and what matters to them.  It helps them see themselves in their different roles; son or daughter, sibling, cousin, grandchild, player of sports, lover of music, and so on.  I thought I’d give it a try; it’s random but aren’t we all ;o)

I am a little girl and a grown woman
I am a daughter and a daughter-in-law
I am a mother and a stepmother to our four fabulous boys
I am a wife and I am madly in love with my husband
I am proud of our family
I am an orphan but I am not alone
I am a best friend who needs her friends more than they know
I am a sister, a sister-in-law and an aunt
I am a colleague and a student and I want more from life
I am strong and I am weak
I am angry that my parents had to miss so much
I am thankful for a family that welcomed my sons and I in with their open hearts
I am a cyclist who feels a bond with other cyclists and checks out their bikes
I am excited and sometimes cry when others cross the finish line
I am aware of the beating of my sons’ hearts
I am a Steelers’ fan
I am awed by the mountains and I am inconsequential
I am hurt when I am excluded
I am addicted to my morning coffee and the welcome of my Starbucks
I am a reader who gets lost in the moments of other lives
I am a writer because it helps me understand myself a bit better
I am a drinker of wine and beer, but not at the same time
I am finally confident enough to dance and sing aloud (even though I am terrible)
I am shy and it surprises me that others find me intimidating
I am sociable and love to laugh because it connects me to others
I am thrilled when my husband walks through the door
I am happy in company and need time alone
I am at peace with a good book and chocolate
I am organized but I want to be less controlling
I am trying to write something meaningful that will one day change a life
I am Nicola

1 comment:

  1. You are Nicola and I am so glad that you are in my life because you bring me immense joy and love!

    You are a great friend!
